Marchetti Dedalo
PostDoc researcher at Jilin University


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Physics and astronomy



Occultation of Venus planet from the Moon - December first, 2008 (few Italian text)

Comet Holmes p17


RARO – Experiment on the natural radioactivity of rocks

In italian:

Short physics notes (in Italian)

 Galileo Galilei and falling body theory
Reproduction of the famous Galileo's experiment by modern instruments, as an air no-friction rail and electronic graphics calculators (Texas Instrument Ti-92Plus)

The school project has born from an idea of professor Maria Luccia Chiaromonte, with the collaboration of professor Marco Litterio.
This work has received a mention from ASI (Italian Space Agency)-Space Web channel

Theory about falling body (In italian)

Experiment (in Italian)

 Ideal trip toward the closer black hole (in Italian)
This work was the description of a trip that is (still?) not possible to do for technology gap, but theoretical possible for Einstein General Relativity...

This work has received the fourth school price in 2005 for the competition "Spazio Aperto" organized by National Laboratory of Frascati of Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (LNF-INFN)